Groove In Space About Self-Worth

A Tom Cardy Song Reminding Me to Get Out of My Own Damn Way

Ever since my partner introduced me to Tom Cardy’s song "H.S." it has become a cornerstone of my hype playlist. The track's playful yet profound lyrics make it an anthem for anyone needing a reminder of their self-worth. One standout line references Pluto’s demotion from planet to dwarf planet—a moment in space history that still resonates. Unless you have been living under a literal space rock, you have likely heard that Pluto was officially reclassified, as of August 24, 2006, causing textbooks and classroom models to undergo a cosmic shift.

Tom Cardy masterfully uses this piece of astronomical trivia as a metaphor for those moments when we feel small, questioning our purpose or doubting our potential:

“Am I living to my full potential?

Or am I holding myself back?”

For anyone prone to overthinking, this line hits home. It’s a call to confront those self-imposed limitations that keep us from reaching our goals. As the song progresses, Cardy elevates the theme with a comparison to Pluto, transforming the former planet into a symbol of resilience:

“Pluto is not gonna quit

'Cause Pluto can take a hit

And Pluto knows what Pluto is

And Pluto knows that Pluto's hot shit.”

Here, Pluto’s journey becomes one of self-compassion, acceptance, and unwavering confidence. It’s a reminder that even when feeling overshadowed, like Pluto once did, it’s crucial to recognize your intrinsic value. The song suggests that many folks are too wrapped up in their own worlds to judge or diminish you—or, better yet, some admire you for being unapologetically yourself. The song is sprinkled with little pep talks to help rotate and revolve us, to break us out of that negative orbit we may be stuck in.

Even as I wrap up this post, I take note of my own doubts and fears. You see, I am typing days after my self-imposed deadline of the anniversary of Pluto's classification change. I had that moment of "Oh, I wasn't able to organize my thoughts in time. It's too late now." I took time to care for myself, refocus on what mattered, and implemented coping skills to move forward. Because I know I'm capable and full of potential. I'm worthy of taking up space and taking the time I need. And, of course, because I'm hot shit and so are you.

The big takeaway? Own your unique path. Whatever your “thing” is, pursue it with passion. It’s never too late to shed self-doubt and get back to it. As the final lyrics encourage:

“And you're hot shit too, so stop doubting yourself

And just feel this cosmic groove.”

“... so look up to the stars

The universe was made for you.”