Scholarships Available for LGBTQ Youth
Georgia Safe Schools Coalition (GSSC) does amazing things in the queer community in it's support of safe(r) school environments for youth and young adults. Best known for their annual LGBTQ Youth Summit and support of a Gender & Sexualities Alliance in schools, many are not familiar with GSSC's annual scholarships.
This year, there are two scholarships for LGBTQ youth ages 17-24 years old attending or with intent to attend a post-secondary institution. A requirement for both scholarships is that the applicant have "a strong commitment or interest in Activism and Social Justice" as both scholarships honor individuals dedicated to advocacy and activism.
The application deadline is September 27, 2019 so there is time to get your essay written and to ask for a letter of support. This is a great opportunity for deserving students to receive some financial support for their education. Information and details on the application process can be found on the GSSC website.