Introducing Tatiana Chapple

We’re thrilled to introduce our newest team member, Tatiana!

Tatiana writes:

“I practice therapy with a person-centered approach that recognizes you as the expert of your own experience. For your therapeutic journey on the rough seas of life, you are the captain of your own ship, and I can come aboard as your co-captain, to help you navigate the stressful and unpredictable waters to reach the destination of your choosing. Where do you want to go, and who do you want to be when you arrive? Let’s figure it out together.

I am a proud Black and Lesbian woman, who understands the complex intersections of race, gender, and sexuality. Many of us BIPOC folx struggle with the decision to begin therapy, due to the stigma that exists within our cultures, that therapy is not for us.  My purpose and passion for therapy come from wanting to provide a safe and affirming therapeutic environment, to destigmatize what it means to attend therapy regularly, and to promote access to therapy for those of us who belong to historically marginalized and minoritized communities.

My philosophy for therapy is that self-awareness is the key to change; our journey to fully knowing ourselves is a life-long process, but when we discover the needs and wants of the core self, we can build a future that prioritizes authenticity and develops the change we want to see. I practice therapy from a strength-based, collaborative and integrative approach, utilizing different systemic theories to meet the needs of your personal growth. “